We help solve problems of international transfers, including the conversion of cryptocurrencies. With us, you can quickly and reliably buy/sell real estate or other goods in more than 95 countries around the world for both fiat and cryptocurrency.
Our infrastructure includes dozens of accounts of legal entities and individuals in banks and payment systems around the world.
Here you can find evidence of our reliability and competence: Our guarantees
Dollar (USD)
Euro (EUR)
Yuan (CNY)
Dirham (AED)
Korean won (KRW)
Yen (JPY)
Pound sterling (GBP)
Other currencies – as agreed
How we are working
- Register in personal account.
- Chat on the website or email
- BitCash Pay will create a group in Telegram to discuss the details of the translation
- You will send an invoice from the seller, we will help prepare the necessary documents
- You provide payment security for goods/real estate (cryptocurrency or fiat)
- We transfer them to your counterparty in the specified currency to the account or in cash
Cryptocurrency payments usually arrive within minutes. After this, we take up to 3 days to send the currency, but usually we process the payment within a day. If this is a cash withdrawal, usually within a day.
Maximum payment
to 2 000 000$
At once
Minimum payment
from 3000$
Payment in US dollars
from 3000$
USDT, USDC, BTC and others
from 1000€
Payment in euros
from 100 000¥
Payment in RMB
- Prompt and clear support service will assist in filling out all the necessary documents.
- Agency agreement with a partner, which includes the signatures of the parties and account details BitCash Pay
- Order to execute a payment containing the recipient’s details.
- Instruction to make a payment according to the sample attached to the agency agreement
- An invoice from the recipient, issued in the name of the paying agent without mentioning the Russian side. This document is required by the payment agent to make a payment through a foreign bank.
Examples of documents:
We give a 100% guarantee that we will deliver your money to the recipient. We also guarantee that we take on all payment risks. If at any point the money is “lost”, we will pay again or refund you the entire amount in full.